What is your Unacceptable Actions Policy?

When you contact us, we promise to listen, empathise and do everything we can to help you. Our staff have an enviable ability to remain calm, professional and patient, no matter what’s thrown at them. They will always treat you with courtesy and respect.
All we ask is that you do the same in return.
We wish that our employees were always 100% satisfied, and we do our best to make sure that’s the case. Regrettably, not every single call or email is a happy one. When a problem arises, we understand if you want to express frustration. It’s OK to be angry or upset.
Unfortunately, there are very rare occasions when this goes too far and an employee addresses a member of staff in an unreasonable, abusive or even threatening manner. This is unacceptable. We have a policy in place to help us deal with these incidents in a transparent and fair way.
Unacceptable conduct towards our staff – our policy
There are certain types of behaviour that we will not tolerate from employees of Key Portfolio towards our staff, either verbally or in writing. These include:
- Aggression
- Swearing
- Shouting
- Threats of violence
- Discriminatory language
- Offensive language
- Derogatory remarks
If a staff member feels that you are being abusive towards them, we strongly encourage them to stop dealing with your query. In the case of telephone calls, this means that the call may be terminated. With written communication, you will be asked to amend your language and re-send.
Our staff are obliged to report these incidents, whether minor or severe, to their manager. This is what will happen next:
- We will listen to a recording of your call or read your communication
- We will review the type and severity of the abuse
- We will decide on the appropriate action to take
- You will be informed of the report and our decision
In line with the disciplinary policy set out in our Employee Handbook, we may decide to take one or more of the following actions:
- Record the incident in your HR file
- Send you a written warning
- Terminate your employment
- Report the incident to the police
The action will depend on the severity of the incident and whether or not you’ve been involved in anything of this nature before. Threats of violence against our staff will always be reported to the police. Where we feel it’s necessary, your recruitment agencies will be notified of the action taken against you.