Why have I not been automatically enrolled into your pension scheme?

We are obliged by law to automatically enrol you into a pension scheme if you meet certain criteria.

However, we don’t enrol you straight away – we wait for around three months after you join Key Portfolio. This gives you time to get started as a contractor and get a realistic picture of your typical earnings. Once this date has passed, the trigger for us to automatically enrol you is the next time your pensionable earnings reach £192 in a week.

If we haven’t automatically enrolled you into our pension scheme, it’s probably for one or more of these reasons:

  • You’re still in your first three months of employment
  • You’re under 22
  • You’re over State Pension age
  • You earn less than £192 per week, £384 per fortnight or £833 per month

Don’t forget that you can ask to join the pension scheme at any time, even if you don’t meet the criteria for auto-enrolment.

 These figures are correct for the 2025/26 tax year.