The ultimate supply teacher playlist
3 minutes to read

There’s nothing like the perfect song, at the right time, for giving you a boost of confidence and energy (our team can verify this), whether it’s getting you out of bed in the morning, or giving yourself some mid-afternoon pep.
That got us thinking, what songs would make it into the perfect playlist for supply teachers? We humbly present our suggestions below. If you’re a Spotify user, we’ve put them into a handy little playlist for you too.
1. Florence and the Machine – Dog Days Are Over
Remember the days when you worked in a permanent job? This song’s a great reminder that those days are behind you, and you’re out there doing what you want to do.
2. John Williams – Superman Theme
When you get that 7am call to swoop in at the last minute and plug a gap for a school in need, pop this on and feel like a true hero.
3. Taylor Swift – Shake it Off
Left your travel card at home? Got lost on your way to the staff room in a new school? Unexpected playground supervisor duty? It happens. But you can shake it all off in three minutes and thirty nine seconds.
Since Taylor’s not available on Spotify, we’ve gone for Ryan Adams’ wonderful cover version instead.
4. Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’
Whether you’re on a quick ten minute bus ride to a long-term contract, or you’re on a long early-morning drive to the first day at a new school, Journey are guaranteed to get the adrenaline flowing and have you raring to go by the time the bell rings.
5. James Brown – I Feel Good
When everything’s going right – the students are engaged, your back-up lesson plans are working, and you’ve got your favourite lunch with you – there’s no better way to set that feeling to music.
6. U2 – Beautiful Day
It’s the first day of a new contract, in a new school with new names and new faces.You want it to go perfectly. And this song’s just the thing for getting you in the right mindset.
7. David Bowie – Heroes
“We can be heroes, just for one day.” And when you’ve only got one day to make an impression on the pupils, what better anthem could you have?
8. Daft Punk – Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Supply teachers are hardy folk, always prepared for the next school, ready to head out the door at a moment’s notice, but even the hardiest folk need a boost of energy now and again. And for that, there’s nobody better than Daft Punk.
9. Iggy Pop – Lust for Life
One big benefit of contracting over permanent employment is that you get to move around, experience new things, meet new people, and live life as you want to live it. You might even say you’ve got a…
10. Bruce Springsteen – Born to Run
You’ve reached the last day of your contract, and you’re hitting the road, ready for the next adventure. And Springsteen’s ready and willing to play you out.
Are there any choices you think we’ve missed? Tweet us and let us know, and maybe we’ll do a volume two!