Our rebrand has landed!

After months of heightened secrecy, hushed meetings and general high levels of anticipation, we’re very excited to finally be sharing our new […]

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Our ethos

We believe that contractors should be encouraged and rewarded in their career. Where would organisations be without the ability to […]

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Umbrella or PAYE?

Is An Umbrella Right For Me? If you fall into one or more of these groups, an Umbrella is most […]

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Umbrella or PAYE?

You’ve registered with a recruitment agency and you’re raring to get going with your new contracting career. But first, you’ve […]

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We’re closed on the May bank holidays

Spring has officially sprung – it’s warming up outside, daffodils have popped up everywhere and as the days grow longer, […]

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One of my agencies pays monthly. Why can’t you pay me weekly for my other agencies?

If one of your recruitment agencies operates a monthly pay cycle, tax rules prevent us from making any other payments […]

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Why are some figures on my P60 lower than I expected?

The amount in the Pay box for this employment is your gross salary for the tax year. Remember, your gross […]

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Equal opportunities

The law protects you against discrimination at work and requires that we give equal opportunities to all of our employees […]

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When do I get paid?

Most of our candidates get paid weekly on a Friday, one week in arrears. However, it depends on your agency […]

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