Do I need to send you a P45 from my last employer?

If you’ve got a P45 from your last employer, we recommend that you send us parts two and three of the […]

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What is a P11D?

A P11D is a form that summarises expenses that were claimed by you and processed during a tax year.

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My internet browser is out-of-date – what do I do?

If you experience any problems browsing our website, it’s possible that your internet browser is out-of-date. Your browser is a […]

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Could you please send me a P45?

When your employment comes to an end, we’ll process your P45 to give to your next employer. You can download […]

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Maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental pay

When you take time off to start a family, we may be able to pay you maternity, paternity, adoption or […]

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Your Christmas and New Year pay days

Now that December’s here, we’re finally allowing ourselves to start thinking about Christmas. And amid the long list of festive […]

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How do I apply for maternity pay?

Firstly, make sure you tell us that you’re expecting a baby at least 15 weeks before your due date. We’ll need […]

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Week 53 – what it means for you

We’re coming to the end of the tax year and there was something a little bit unusual about this one – it contained […]

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What’s Week 53 and how does it affect me?

There was something a little bit unusual about the 2014/15 tax year – it contained 53 pay days, instead of the more […]

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