What to expect

We work closely with your recruitment agencies to make sure everything runs smoothly. If you haven’t already, make sure you tell us about all the agencies you work with so that we can centralise your income and streamline things even more for you.

Before your first pay day, check to make sure we have the correct bank details for you. You can do this in the Payments section of your online account. While you’re in there, you can also get confirmation of your pay day and frequency and make sure you’re happy with your tax code.

Have a think about whether you want to join our pension scheme straight away or wait to be automatically enrolled. Read over our expenses policy too, in case you ever need it.

Your recruitment agencies will source work assignments for you to complete on our behalf. You’re free to accept or reject them as you wish – just be sure to tell them promptly either way.

Pay day

Once that’s all done and you’ve completed your first working week, simply follow your recruitment agencies’ timesheet processes and then sit back and wait for pay day.

Your recruitment agency will usually send us payment instructions telling us how many days/hours you worked at the agreed rate. We’ll send an invoice back to cover the full amount and they’ll pay us for the work you’ve completed. This all happens behind the scenes, so you don’t need to think about it too much – if you do need to get involved, we’ll let you know.

Once we’ve got the funds from your agency, we run a payroll for you. To help make sense of the bottom line, please make sure you understand how your take-home pay is calculated.

Of course, we will always pay you at least the National Living/Minimum Wage.

Your money will land in your bank account and your pay advice slip will be available online. We’ll send you an email alert and also an SMS alert to your mobile, if you’ve signed up for them. Check the amount and make sure it matches the work you did. It doesn’t happen very often, but if you’ve been overpaid or underpaid you must let us know immediately.

From then on, your payments will run like clockwork. Our aim is that you don’t even need to think about it. Each April or May, we’ll send you a P60 which shows your gross salary and how much tax and National insurance you paid in the last tax year.


Now that you’re a Key Portfolio employee, you have access to a whole bunch of benefits. Please do make the most of this! You can learn all about them in section two of your employee handbook.

Your employment contract

We emailed you a copy of your employment contract when your employment commenced and you can view it online any time. Remember, you might work in lots of different places for lots of different recruitment agencies, but your employment with Key Portfolio stays constant. Being an employee gives your contracting career a boost of stability and security. It means you’re entitled to full statutory employment rights, including sick paymaternity or paternity pay and access to a workplace pension.

Terminating your contract

There are various ways that your employment can be terminated. Here are the most common:

  • You can request your P45.
  • If we aren’t asked to run any payrolls for you, we’ll get in touch from time to time to see what you’re up to. If you stop working for 18 weeks or more, it’s likely that we’ll bring your employment to an end. This can help keep your tax affairs in order. We’ll give you notice before this happens.
  • In extreme circumstances, we may bring your employment to an end as a result of disciplinary proceedings.
Your right to work in the UK

We have a responsibility to check that you, as our employee, are entitled to work in the United Kingdom. That’s why we request copies of certain documentation when you register with us and if necessary, at regular intervals thereafter. Please take the time to read our entitlement to work policy.